Privacy Policy


The website ( does not collect any personally identifiable data.

However, for the security of the infrastructure and the web server, the following information is recorded in logs, which may be manually analysed in case of a cyber-security incident:

* Public IP Address (and country of origin)
* User Agent
* URL requested

The collection of the aforementioned data constitutes standard practice.

Only essential cookies are used, cookies required for the website to operate. These may contain timestamps and session IDs and other pieces of non-personally identifiable information required by the server, the Cloudflare security services and the WordPress platform. respects your privacy, no ads, no tracking and no intrusive analytics are used. 

Cloudflare, WordPress and Elementor Privacy Policies and Terms of Service apply. Please consult them for more details as to the non-personally identifiable data collected and regarding any cookies used by the products and services technically required for to operate. 


Apps developed by Ioan Moldovan respect user privacy and do NOT collect, track, transfer or sell any personally identifiable user data.

No user-tracking services, No background services and No intrusive analytics are utilised.

Ioan Moldovan has NO access to user data. User Data is stored locally, on device and optionally, at the user’s choice on Apple’s servers (encrypted, data stored on device is automatically backed up to the iCloud platform if the user opts to use Apple’s backup services).

Apple Privacy Policies for iCloud, iOS, iPadOS, macOS and the App Store apply. Please consult them for more details as to the non-personally identifiable data collected by the platforms utilised by to distribute Apps.